
Refill beads for your beanbag


Expected delivery: 2-5 business days Expected in stock: 2-3 days

Expected delivery: 2-5 business daysExpected in stock: 2-3 days

Expected delivery: 2-5 business daysExpected in stock: 2-3 days

Only the best is good enough for you and your chair! Everyone can run out of energy – even your bean bag. Give it an energy boost with more filling.

Over time, the beads in your bean bag lose volume, and it may be necessary to supplement with new balls. RETROit bean bags contain about 300 liters in total. Our EPS beads do not contain HBCD.

Product specifications

  • EPS beads R-grade CAS 9003-53-6 non-toxic

Box content

  • Refill EPS beads

Below you can find the frequently asked questions for this product. Just click on a question to view the answer.

Which should I choose? 100 L or 350 L?

It really depends on how much filling your beanbag needs. For reference, a new bean bag fits 300 litres.

What is the difference between your beanbags?

Our beanbags have two types of filling. Luna, Cura & Medley have a mix of foam and EPS beads. Cobana Beanbag, Cobana and Canvas are filled with EPS beads.

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